Ghaziabad (UP): An FIR has been registered against Samajwadi Party spokesperson Sunil Yadav Sajan for his comments allegedly targeting the Tyagi community during a TV debate, police said here on Wednesday. In a complaint given against him on Tuesday night at the Sihani Gate police station, complainant Kameshwer Tyagi alleged that Sajan tarnished the community's image through his statement during a TV programme on politician Shrikant Tyagi.
Case against SP spokesperson for comments against Tyagi community
An FIR has been registered against Samajwadi Party spokesperson Sunil Yadav Sajan for his comments allegedly targeting the Tyagi community during a TV debate, police said here on Wednesday.
Shrikant Tyagi was arrested on Tuesday, days after he was seen in a video abusing and assaulting a woman for objecting to his alleged illegal constructions at a housing society in Noida. The controversial statement was allegedly given by Sajan on Monday. According to the complaint, Sajan said the Tyagis don't pay respect to women. The complaint said Sajan said "almost all Tyagi leaders belonging to the BJP are anti-women". Additional Superintendent of Police (First) Nipun Agarwal said legal action will be initiated against the SP spokesperson. (PTI)