Navsari (Gujarat):Hours after nine persons lost their lives in a disastrous accident in Navsari in the wee hours on Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed grief at the loss of lives and announced Rs 2 lakh ex-gratia to the kin of each deceased and Rs 50000 for the injured. The accident happened when a Valsad-bound luxury bus collided head-on with a speeding SUV coming from the opposite direction Ahmedabad-Mumbai highway near Vesma village in the Navsari district of Gujarat.
Police said that a preliminary investigation has revealed that the accident took place when the driver of the bus suffered a massive heart attack and he lost control of the vehicle. The bus then rammed into the speeding car coming from the opposite direction. The eight people inside the SUV died in the accident.
“Nine persons were killed and nearly 25 others were injured after a sports utility vehicle (SUV) rammed into a luxury bus at Navsari district in Gujarat in the wee hours of Saturday. The accident occurred on a national highway near Vesma village when the Valsad bus hit the SUV coming from the opposite direction”, Navsari Superintendent of Police (SP) Rushikesh Upadhyay said.
Expressing his heartfelt condolences for the deceased and wishing speedy recovery of the injured, Union Home Minister Amit Shah tweeted "The road accident in Navasari, Gujarat is heart-wrenching. I express my condolences to those who have lost their family members in this tragedy. May God give them the strength to bear the sorrow. The local administration is providing immediate treatment to the injured, I pray for their speedy recovery."