Chandigarh: Stage is set for the merger of Punjab former Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh's Punjab Lok Congress (PLC) with the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) on Monday. Captain Amarinder will join BJP in the presence of BJP national president JP Nadda. After the PLC president, his family members, former MLAs and followers will join the BJP at a meeting to be held in Delhi at 4.30 pm. On Sunday evening, Captain Amarinder left for Delhi, along with his son, daughter and some former MLAs.
According to information reaching here, Captain Amarinder Singh will first take the primary membership of the BJP at the BJP headquarters in New Delhi in the presence of JP Nadda. Along with the Captain, six to seven former MLAs of Punjab, Captain's son Raninder Singh, daughter Jai Inder Kaur and grandson Nirwan Singh will also join the BJP. Over a week ago, Captain Amarinder Singh has met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah, when the date of the merger was stated to have been finalised.