New Delhi: Congress party, on Wednesday, accepted the resignation of former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh. But it doesn't seem like the move is going to end the prolonged tussle between the party's state unit. While tendering his resignation yesterday, Captain Amarinder Singh warned the Congress party that he would publicize a list of those MLAs and ministers who were involved in illegal sand mining.
"As far as the issue of illegal sand mining was concerned, the offenders, unfortunately, were the substantive bulk of Congress MLAs and ministers, including an overwhelming number in the current government. One of my enduring regrets would remain as to why I did not take some of them to the task. The thought that it would embarrass the party held me back. I do intend to make the list of these people public as this has been provided to me by the Govt of Punjab (sic) and state intelligence," he wrote in his letter.
Interestingly, Congress MP Gurjeet Aujla, who is considered as a close aide of Captain also supported his move, by tweeting, "Capt. Amarinder, Not just me, Punjabis of the entire world expect you will reveal names of ministers, political hunch men, bureaucrats & police officials responsible for drug spread, loot by sand & other mafias. And frankly do not form another party if u still have reservations."
Meanwhile, the spat between Captain and Sidhu has also been continuing which the former CM made quite evident in his letter as he called the Punjab PCC Chief an acolyte of the Pakistani deep state and a person of an unstable mind. While Sidhu also railed at Captain by calling him a "fraud, coward and spent cartridge".