Panaji (Goa):Days after Chief Minister Pramod Sawant was slammed by the Opposition for blaming parents for the rape of two minors on a beach, Goa's Arts and Culture Minister Govind Gaude on Friday said that it was logistically not possible for a government to post policemen to guard every girl in the state.
"The problem is if one has to post a policeman for every person, every girl, how many police will we require? This is what it is. The government is not running away from responsibility. The government is protecting. Government is there with the people," Gaude told reporters on the sidelines of the ongoing Monsoon Session of the State Legislative Assembly.
Gaude, who is also alone independent MLA supporting the BJP-led coalition government, also said that the protection of minor children was a joint responsibility to be shared by parents and the government. "He (CM) has already said that it is also the responsibility of the parents to know about where the children are. It does not mean that the government has not taken hands-off and is running away from holding responsibility," Gaude said.
Read: Goa gang rape case: Statement taken out of context, says CM