Chennai: With just two weeks left for the Tamil Nadu Assembly elections, surging Covid cases has sent shivers down the spine of political parties with key office-bearers pushed into quarantine.
‘April is the cruellest month’ - Eliot’s opening line in The Waste Land may prove right for Tamil Nadu politicians who feel jittery right now owing to two things: the prospect of electoral defeat and the coronavirus.
A few days ago, Makkal Needhi Maiyam candidate for the Velachery Assembly constituency, Santhosh Babu was confirmed to have been infected with coronavirus. Consequently, the candidates in quarantine could not take part in the election-related events. In a cascading effect, the supporters of actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan’s party felt a bit down in the dumps to the point that their campaign comes to a standstill.
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Talking about the relapse of the disease, Health Secretary J Radhakrishnan told ETV Bharat, “The guidelines to be mandatorily followed to ward off coronavirus raising its ugly head again, which were formulated on the instructions from the Disaster Management Law and the Health Department, apply to all people including the candidates in the fray for Assembly elections.”
All election officials have been directed to watch out whether the people including politicians coming to their offices for election-related work follow the stipulations and precautions, he added.
Makkal Needhi Katchi press coordinator Murali Abba said, talking over the phone to ETV Bharat “Though a few candidates of our party are bed-ridden with corona infection, they carry on with their election campaign online. We hope that they will recover soon enough to actively continue their campaign.” The party followers and supporters should focus not only on election campaign but also on creation of awareness of Covid among people, he added.
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Ahead of the April 6 Assembly elections, leaders and activists of all parties have actively been in campaign mode, levelling charges and counter-charges, flaunting flags, inching through streets and roads in cars and jeeps and marching amidst crowds of supporters with people standing by the wayside as spectators.