New Delhi: The Union Cabinet on Wednesday cleared a Rs 76,000 crore Design Linked Incentive (DLI) scheme to make the country a design and manufacturing hub for the semiconductor chips that are used in computers, laptops, mobiles, automobiles and almost all other electronic gadgets, said the Information Technology Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw.
The $10 billion scheme, which will be implemented over a period of the next six years, aims to make the country a manufacturing hub by providing a globally competitive incentive package to companies engaged in design and manufacturing of semiconductors and display units.
The government said semiconductors and display manufacturing was a complex and technology-intensive sector involving huge capital investments, high risk, long gestation and payback periods which require significant and sustained investments.
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“The program will give an impetus to semiconductor and display manufacturing by facilitating capital support and technological collaborations,” he said.
I-T Minister Vaishnaw said the country already has a vast talent pool of top-quality semiconductor engineers in the country and Indian engineers account for roughly 20% of the global workforce of semiconductor engineers.