New Delhi:Edtech major Byju's on Sunday announced a Rs 2 crore cash reward for Olympic gold medallist Neeraj Chopra. The company, which is backed by marquee investors like Tiger Global and General Atlantic, will also offer Rs 1 crore each to Mirabai Chanu, Ravi Kumar Dahiya, Lovlina Borgohain, P V Sindhu and Bajrang Punia.
"The accomplishments and the stellar achievement of India's sports heroes at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics have been nothing but inspirational, despite the challenges posed by COVID-19 lockdown in 2020-21," according to a statement. Not only have each of these atheletes made the country proud but have also ignited hope and aspiration that India can create many more Olympic champions in the future, it added.
India's star athlete Neeraj Chopra created history on Saturday bringing home the country's first-ever gold medal in javelin throw in Tokyo Olympics 2020. Chopra produced a second round throw of 87.58 metres in the finals at the Tokyo Games to claim the country's first track-and-field medal and become only the second Indian to win an individual gold in the Olympics.
Read:Byju's to acquire e-learning platform Vedantu for $600-$700 million