Lucknow: A Hijab wearing woman in Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow is taking on the perception that the Muslim veil restrains women from excelling in their respective fields. Syed Azmi Parveen, a Hijabi Muslim woman, who is popularly known as the “Burqa Avenger” for her passion of driving high end bikes says that no one among boys or girls can beat her in a competition in the town on a given day.
In an exclusive conversation wit ETV Bharat, Azmi, said that she has beaten 16 boys in a two-wheeler race competitions in the past. “I think women can excel in every field. Saying that hijab restrains you and lowers your confidence is absolutely wrong because I am confident in Hijab,” Azmi argued. She said that she drives the high end bikes “to dispel the notion that the hijab puts restraint on girls”. Furthermore, Azmi said that the Hijab was obligatory for Muslim women contrary to what the Karnataka high court recently ruled.