Mumbai: Hours after Mumbai Police claimed to have arrested the prime accused of the Bulli Bai App case, a Twitter user claimed he is the "real mastermind and creator" by retweeting State Home Minister Satej Patil tweet and asked to release the arrested persons as they were innocent.
The Twitter user who goes by the @giyu44 handle believed to be from Nepal mocked Mumbai Police in a series of tweets, "You have arrested the wrong person, Mumbai police. I am the creator of #BulliBaiApp. Got nothing to do with the two innocents whom u arrested, release them asap."
"When this fiasco started I wasn't even aware of what it might entail, so I use my friends accounts. Both Vishal and that Swati girl, I use their accounts.. They didn't even know what I was going to do. Now they got arrested coz of me... Feel free to abuse me in comments," the user said in another tweet.
Earlier, Mumbai Police Cyber Cell has arrested Vishal Kumar Jha from Bangalore, while the other two accused Shweta Singh and Mayank Rawal from Uttarakhand in the incident.