Mumbai:The Bandra High Court concluded the arguments of both sides over the bail application of the accused in the Bully Bai app case on Tuesday, and will give the final verdict on the bail application on 20 January. Vishal Kumar Jha, Shweta Singh and Mayank Rawat, the three accused in the case had been arrested earlier for developing the 'Bulli Bai App', responding to which they had filed a bail application in Bandra High Court.
The Mumbai Police had opposed their bail application citing that the investigation will be disrupted. The police had also said that all three accused are sharing certain types of posts on social media, leading to disturbance in social peace and giving off false information in absence of restrictions and concrete investigation to be conducted in the matter.
The police also informed that the accused had deliberately used names belonging to the Sikh community to post on the Bulli Bai app in order to mislead the investigators on religious lines. Mumbai Police have claimed in the Magistrate's Court that the purpose of these accused was to disrupt the unity and harmony of the society and to create religious rifts between the communities.