Mumbai:The Bandra court has rejected the bail plea of Vishal Kumar Jha, Shweta Singh and Mayank Rawat, the three accused in the ‘Bulli Bai’ app case. Mumbai Police had earlier filed a case in the court opposing the bail plea, stating that their investigation suggested that the accused were also involved in 'Sulli Deals' app case. All three accused are currently in judicial custody.
Meanwhile, the Mumbai Cyber Police has arrested one more person in connection with the case from Odisha. The arrested accused has been identified as Neeraj Singh.
The Mumbai Cyber Police had, on January 2nd, registered a case against the developers of the 'Bulli Bai' app and Twitter handles promoting it. An FIR against unknown persons was registered following complaints that photographs of Muslim women were uploaded for auction on the app hosted by the GitHub platform.
Another 'Bulli Bai' app case accused Niraj Bishnoi and 'Sulli Deals' app creator Omkareshwar Thakur, who were arrested by the Delhi police's special cell, were also remanded to police custody till January 27. They were produced before Bandra Court by the Cyber Cell of Mumbai Police today.
Also read:Bulli Bai app case accused also involved in Sulli Deals: Police tells Mumbai court