Mumbai:In the latest update in the Bulli Bai controversy, Vishal Kumar Jha, 21, an engineering student who was the first one to be arrested by Mumbai Police from Bengaluru, has tested positive for Covid-19. He has been sent to a quarantine center by the BMC. His lawyers and family members have been informed about the same.
Moreover, other accused Shweta Singh and Mayank have been sent to police custody of Mumbai Police Cyber Cell till January 14 by a court in Bandra.
Vishal was arrested on January 3 by the Mumbai Police team from Bengaluru following technical inputs. On January 4, Mumbai Police arrested Shweta Singh, a resident of Uttarakhand. She was the second person who was arrested in the controversy. Mayank Rawal was the third one to be nabbed by Mumbai police.
Apart from Mumbai Police, the Special Cell of Delhi Police which was conducting a parallel probe has made two arrests. The special cell arrested Niraj Bishnoi, the main accused of the Bulli Bai app, and Aumkareshwar Thakur the main accused behind Sulli Deals.
Also Read:Bulli Bai accused Neeraj Bishnoi threatens to commit suicide while in Delhi Police custody