Lucknow: With just a month left for the Uttar Pradesh assembly polls to commence, it has been confirmed that BSP chief Mayawati would not contest elections anymore. This information was given by the party's National General Secretary Satish Chandra Mishra while declaring that he himself would also exempt himself from contesting elections hereafter.
He further said that the party president will soon release the list of candidates. At the same time, Mishra also attacked SP President Akhilesh Yadav terming SP's claim of winning 400 seats in UP as hollow. "BSP will form the government in UP this year. Even the people are ready to see us in power," he affirmed.
He also said that although the opposition parties are making newer promises to the masses, the state has not achieved anything under the rule of the BJP or SP. "In such a situation, the voters of the state are feeling cheated. This is the reason why voters now have faith in BSP since our party has always given importance to social justice and equality," he added.