Chandigarh: The Border Security Force (BSF) has shot down a drone coming from Pakistan, which was carrying heroin, in Punjab's Amritsar, said the force on Monday. The BSF said it recovered nine packets of heroin from the drone, thwarting a smuggling bid from across the border. Frontier #BSF troops foiled another smuggling attempt through Pak drone. Vigilant BSF troops fired at the drone coming from Pak & brought it down. Drone carrying 9 packets suspected to be #Heroin (10.670Kgs) in a bag were also recovered, said the BSF (Punjab Frontier) in a tweet.
BSF shoots down drone carrying heroin along border in Punjab
The BSF said it recovered nine packets of heroin from the drone, thwarting a smuggling bid from across the border.
BSF shoots down drone carrying heroin along border in Punjab
Last Updated : May 9, 2022, 10:32 AM IST