Ahmedabad: The Border Security Force (BSF) seized a Pakistani fishing boat from the Harami Nala creek area near the Arabian Sea in the Kutch district of Gujarat close to the Indo-Pak border, said on Monday. During the operation on Sunday night, some fishermen managed to flee into the Pakistani territory with another boat, the BSF said.
The Pakistani boat was seized some 100 meters inside the Indian territory. Nothing suspicious was recovered from the boat except some fish, fishing nets, and fishing equipment, the BSF said in a statement. An intensive search of the area was underway, it said. Around 8:30 pm on April 3, a patrolling BSF team noticed the movement of two Pakistani fishing boats near the border pillar no. 1164 and also spotted some 4-5 Pakistani fishermen near the border pillar no. 1160 in the Harami Nala area.