Amritsar (Punjab): The Border Security Force (BSF) on Sunday organised 'Seema Prahari Marathon 2022' in Amritsar, with enthusiasts turning out in a large number. The 'Seema Prahari Marathon' is open for both male and female runners, who can take part in the full marathon, half marathon and a five-km run.
The BSF has given the options for the two age groups, above 40 years and below 40 years, for the participants in the 'Seema Prahari Marathon 2022'. "I have come all the way from Dehradun to participate in this event. In 2017, I fractured my leg and doctors told me that I will have to walk with help of a crane all my life. But I started running in 2018 and my target is the 2024 Olympics," said a participant from Dehradun.