New Delhi: BJP leader and Member Parliament from Jharkhand, Nishikant Dubey on Thursday moved a breach of privilege motion against Congress leader and Wayanad MP, Rahul Gandhi for attempting to “incite” MPs and the nation at large through his remarks during the debate in the House on the Motion of Thanks on the President’s address.
Dubey in a written notice to Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla said that Members of Parliament have to "maintain decency and should not speak anything that would lower the dignity of Parliament, which is, in parliamentary parlance, categorized as contempt of the House".
Rahul Gandhi, he said, in one of the aspects he included in his speech relating to the 'Union and its Territories' has "once again exhibited that even after spending so many years in Parliament as a Member of Parliament, he is still a novice and continue to be a 'Script Reader' of whatever material is prepared/drafted”.
In his speech on Wednesday, Rahul had said that Constitution India described India as a Union of States and not as a Nation. “These utterances of Shri Rahul Gandhi is an attempt to ‘hint’ and ‘incite’ the other Members of Parliament and also to the citizens of our ‘Nation’, by means of the live telecast, that any state could easily be separated from our ‘Nation’ if they do not want to be ruled by a specific political party and no new state and/or alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing states could be effected in any manner in view of the fact that our country came to existence by means of a ‘negotiation’ between and amongst various states,” the notice said.
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Calling Rahul Gandhi a “script reader” and a "drawing room politician", Dubey said it appears that he has even not read the Preamble of our Constitution, which unambiguously states that “We, the People of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic.”