Lucknow: A 16-year-old boy who shot his mother with his father's official gun, on Wednesday, after she restrained him to play PUBG offered 5000 rupees to his friend to dispose of his mother's dead body in Lucknow. The information was revealed on Thursday when the boy started to threaten his friend with the gun after the friend refused to help him on Tuesday. He was interrogated by police on Thursday with a set of questions.
During interrogation, the 16-year-old said, "My mother used to nag me all the time and never let me play games online. She used to hit and blackmailed me, that she will poison me one day so I got scared and shot in her head with my father's gun while she was asleep."
The boy also said that he is not scared of being in jail. When the police asked him what he would have done if his father had killed his mother, he said "I don't know whether I would have shot him or not. I would have decided accordingly at that time." The boy also informed that he hosted a movie party at his place the night before he killed his mother as he was very sacred and he has not watched a movie with his friends for quite some time.