New Delhi: Opposition uproar over allegations of fraudulent transactions against the Adani group led to both Houses of the Parliament being adjourned till Monday soon after the proceedings started on Friday. Earlier, in the day Rajya Sabha has been adjourned till 2.30 pm, the Lok Sabha proceedings were adjourned till 2 pm due to Opposition ruckus over the same issue.
Within a few minutes after the Upper House of the Parliament convened on Friday, Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar rejected 15 adjournment notices issued by MPs of various Opposition parties demanding a discussion on the Adani Group issue following allegations made against it by US short-seller Hindenburg Research.
Even after the Chairman urged the Opposition MPs to main order in the House and allow it to take up the listed business, they refused to budge from their stand and continued their protest. The Chairman told the protesting MPs that the Parliament is the essence and the North Star of democracy adding that it is the place for discussion and deliberation and not a place of disturbance.
"I have received 15 notices under Rule 267 from different members...I have gone through all the notices. I am unable to accede to them as these are not fulfilling the requirements of rule 267," the Chairman said. He adjourned Rajya Sabha proceedings till 2.30 pm.