Mumbai:The Bombay High Court recently granted compensation of Rs 1 crore to Yogesh Panchal, a resident of Mulund in Mumbai, who was left paralysed from the waist down due to an accident on November 29, 2004. The High Court stated that it is imperative to increase the compensation provided to the petitioner in view of the permanent disability caused by the accident. The hearing was recently held before Justice Anuja Prabhudesai.
Panchal had earlier applied to the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Arbitrator for compensation for the accident, wherein the arbitrator directed them to pay compensation of Rs 48 lakh with 7.5 per cent interest. Dissatisfied with the decision, Panchal filed a petition in the High Court demanding to increase in the amount of compensation in view of his medical expenses. The court observed that even though the financial compensation figure was in lakhs, the petitioner has to bear the expenses of his medical requirements all through his life, and so augmented the amount by an additional Rs 64.86 lakh.