Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Wednesday refused permission to a city-based trust to allow people to offer Namaz at its mosque in south Mumbai during the Ramadan period, saying the COVID-19 situation was "serious and critical" and the safety of citizens was more important. A vacation bench of Justices R D Dhanuka and V G Bisht noted that the Maharashtra government found it expedient to impose restrictions to break the chain of transmission of the coronavirus.
"The right to celebrate or follow a religious practice is important, but what is more paramount and of importance is public order and the safety of citizens," the court said.
It was hearing a petition filed by the Juma Masjid Mosque Trust, seeking permission to allow people from the Muslim community to offer prayers five times a day at its mosque in south Mumbai.
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The petitioner said the mosque is spread over an acre and around 7,000 people can assemble at a time. However, considering the COVID-19 situation, only 50 persons would be allowed at a time to offer prayers during the Ramadan period and all safety precautions would be followed, it said.
Additional Government Pleader Jyoti Chavan, appearing for the Maharashtra government, opposed the plea and said the situation in Maharashtra is alarming.
"We cannot make an exception to any religion, especially in this 15-day period. We cannot take a risk at this stage and all citizens should cooperate," Chavan said.
She said the government was not prohibiting any person from practising his/her religion, but they should do it in their homes.