New Delhi: Bombay High Court Chief Justice Dipankar Datta was on Monday administered the oath of office as a Supreme Court judge by Chief Justice of India (CJI) D Y Chandrachud.
CJI administers oath to newly appointed SC judge Dipankar Datta
Bombay High Court Chief Justice Dipankar Datta was administered oath as Supreme Court judge on Monday.
Bombay HC CJ Dipankar Datta takes oath as SC judge
Justice Datta, son of the late Salil Kumar Datta, a former judge of the Calcutta High Court, and brother-in-law of justice Amitava Roy, who was a former judge of the apex court, took oath at 10.36 am in courtroom 1 of the Supreme Court. The total number of judges in the apex court has now reached 28 against the sanctioned strength of 34, including the CJI.
Last Updated : Dec 12, 2022, 11:14 AM IST
New Judge in Supreme Court