Nagpur: Nagpur police on Thursday detained several activists of the Bharat Mukti Morcha (BMM) for trying to take out a protest march to the headquarters of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) here, an official said. The organization said in a statement that it wanted to protest against the RSS because the Sangh `does not respect' the country's Constitution.
BMM activists detained for trying to take out morcha to RSS headquarters
Nagpur police on Thursday detained several activists of the Bharat Mukti Morcha (BMM) for trying to take out a protest march to the headquarters of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) here, an official said.
Earlier, after police refused it permission for the march on October 6, the BMM had approached the Nagpur High Court. But the court granted it no relief.
BMM workers nevertheless gathered at Kadbi square, following which police detained them, said the police official. (PTI)