Patna: In a major blow to Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar-led Janata Dal-United (JDU), the party's unit of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu on Sunday joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Delhi in the presence of party chief JP Nadda and the National General Secretary BL Santhosh.
According to sources, 16 members of the JD (U) unit joined the BJP, including the former state president of JD (U). The development comes after the JD (U) formed an alliance with RJD and others to form the 'Mahagathbandhan' (Grand Alliance) government in Bihar. "Members of JD (U) of Daman and Diu and the entire unit of state JD (U) joined the BJP against Nitish Kumar's decision to leave the BJP, which had given impetus to development in Bihar and to choose the 'Bahubali', corrupt and a dynastic party," BJP said in a tweet earlier last week.
Nitish Kumar is meeting the leaders of various parties across the country these days to create an atmosphere against the BJP for the 2024 general elections. However, Kumar denied speculation on his Prime Ministerial candidature, saying that "I am not even a claimant, I don't even desire it." Earlier in the first week of September, five out of six Janata Dal (United) MLAs in Manipur had also joined the BJP.
Also read:Daman and Diu: Blow to Nitish Kumar as 15 JD(U) panchayat members join BJP