New Delhi: Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge and Rahul Gandhi on Thursday hit out at the government over high prices of petrol and diesel in the country and said the BJP's "loot" continues even when global crude oil prices were down in the last few months. "On May 16, 2014 (Delhi) - Crude per barrel was USD 107.09. Petrol - Rs 71.51.
Diesel - Rs 57.28. On December 1, 2022 - Crude per barrel is USD 87.55. Petrol - Rs 96.72. Diesel - Rs 89.62. Crude is 10-month low, But BJP's Loot remains high!" Kharge said on Twitter. Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Thursday said while global crude oil rates have come down by 25 per cent but the government has not reduced a single rupee in petrol and diesel prices in the country.