Chennai: BJP leader Khushbu Sundar on Friday took on the ruling DMK for the silence of Chief Minister Stalin in regard to the sexist remark made by a functionary of the party. "I'm waiting for Tamil Nadu Chief Minister to speak up for me to make sure that no other person makes this kind of comment about other women. I want him to be the shining example," she said.
Why is my CM silent? BJP's Khushbu Sundar on DMK leader's sexist remark
"I'm waiting for Tamil Nadu Chief Minister to speak up for me to make sure that no other person makes this kind of comment about other women. I want him to be the shining example," she said.
Khushbu Sundar on DMK leaders sexist remark
Speaking about the derogatory comment Sundar said, "They are not shaming me, they are shaming women of their families, their mothers," adding that she is not ready to accept an apology. The actor-turned-BJP leader however praised DMK MP Kanimozhi for her forthcoming support. "I really appreciate Kanimozhi (DMK MP) for standing up for me. I have always seen her supporting women and their freedom of speech," she said. (With Agency inputs)