Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh):BJP MP Ravi Kishan on Friday said that his party will form the government in Uttar Pradesh after the Assembly polls, which are scheduled for next year. He is currently taking part in the Ramleela event in Ayodhya, playing the role of Parashurama. "BJP is forming a government in Uttar Pradesh after elections. Look at our country and my village today. Everyone is living with respect. The younger generation and women are gaining a better level of education and healthcare facilities. These are some of the things we used to dream of as kids and they are happening right now," Kishan said. Elections for 403 Assembly constituencies in Uttar Pradesh are due early next year.
Kishan said that he was fortunate to be alive to witness the construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. "I am also very fortunate that I am here to present the Ramleela event before everyone while playing my role of Parashurama" he added. Actress Bhagyashree was also present at the Ramleela event, playing the role of Sita. "I am lucky to play the role of Sita in the city of Lord Ram. It is as if Lord Ram has blessed me to come here and play the role. It feels good, especially at the stage when I am looking forward to starting my career once again," she said.