Jaipur: Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday accused the BJP of the bid to create communal tensions and warned strict action against anyone trying to disturb peace in the state. The CM said this in the wake of the violence in the state’s Karauli after a bike rally held to mark Hindu new year was pelted with stones on April 2.
Gehlot said the party is troubled by the unity of people who celebrated Ram Navami together unlike the BJP-ruled states where violence was witnessed during the festival.
“BJP leaders are constantly trying how to create a communal atmosphere in the state. That’s why sometimes they go to Karauli and do misleading things, sometimes, they submit a memorandum to the governor so that the tensions remain,” he tweeted.
If any person tries to disturb peace in Rajasthan, strict action will be taken against him, said Gehlot, on a day BJP MP Tejasvi Surya and other BJP leaders were stopped from visiting Karauli.