New Delhi:Acknowledging the alarming surge in both Covid and Omicron cases across the country, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has started preparations for e-rallies ahead of the upcoming Assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh. For this, BJP's IT cell and other office-bearers have been brainstorming on ways to strengthen their vote bank through online rallies, while also intending to reach the remote areas of the country without risking the violation of Covid protocols.
It is further leant that the Election Commission had met all the political parties of Uttar Pradesh and sought advice on the matter. The suggestions offered by the political leaders in this meeting implied that it would be best if the elections are held at the decided time without being postponed, although the surge in the Covid cases is also a matter of concern.
Therefore, while taking both factors into consideration, the party decided to adopt the techniques of e-campaigns and rallies. In the last Bihar assembly elections also, the BJP had conducted the maximum number of e-rallies executed through technology. Enthused by the success it saw after these rallies, the party has once again started these preparations for Uttar Pradesh as well.