New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday claimed that the BJP will soon remove its Gujarat unit president C R Patil as it is "terrified" by the presence Aam Aadmi Party in the poll-bound state. The AAP national convenor, who embarked on a two-day visit to Gujarat along with his deputy Manish Sisodia to campaign for his party ahead of assembly polls later this year, is scheduled to interact with youth in Bhavnagar city on issues of education and employment on the second day of his tour.
"In Gujarat, the BJP is badly terrified of the Aam Aadmi Party. According to sources, Gujarat BJP state president CR Patil is going to be removed soon," Kejriwal said in a tweeted in Hindi. "Is BJP so scared?" he asked. Kejriwal had on Monday sought to position the contest between the BJP and AAP in the upcoming Gujarat assembly polls as a "Dharamyudh" like the Mahabharat where the ruling outfit has the "armies" of probe agencies CBI and the ED on its side, while his party has the "support of Lord Krishna".