Lucknow: BJP national spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi took yet another dig at Samajwadi Party (SP) at a press conference held here on Saturday, as campaign for UP Assembly polls are in full swing in the state. The seven-phased elections will commence on February 10.
Trivedi, who is also a Rajya Sabha MP, highlighted the links of SP president Akhilesh Yadav with Jain brothers, the tainted the perfume traders, who were slapped with tax evasion charges by the Income Tax Department. Trivedi alleged that Yadav had gone for a foreign tour with the perfume traders accused in the tax evasion matter, when he was the CM of the state.
"Akhilesh Yadav had posted a tweet on 24 May 2015, with a photo with the Jain brothers who are the perfume traders who were recently caught with crores worth of cash, jewelry and sandalwood. He says that God came in his dreams. Then didn't god tell him a few things about karma? How will he get his conscience cleared after misusing the money of so many taxpayers? The people will never forgive him for this," he said.
He further pointed out that Yadav has deleted the tweet in question after the popular raids in Kanpur and Kannauj, but he had a print of the photograph in the tweet, which he displayed during the press conference.