New Delhi:With an eye on the ensuing Assembly elections in five states especially Uttar Pradesh, the BJP leadership has chalked out an action plan called Super 100. Under the plan, the saffron party has deployed 100 MPs and ministers in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Goa and Manipur to strengthen the party's hold in those states.
Assembly elections will be held in 2022 in four states and one Union Territory. But, Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls will be a high-stakes battle for the BJP as the party leadership is well aware that the outcome of the elections there will be crucial for the party's Mission 2024.
The 100 MPs and ministers, who have been exempted from the winter session of Parliament, have been assigned the task of ensuring BJP's victory in different poll-bound states. While Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Goa, Manipur will look after BJP poll-preparedness in Punjab, MPs from Assam and North East have been asked to work in Manipur for the Assembly elections.
Whereas MPs from Maharashtra have been sent to Goa, Bihar BJP MPs have been entrusted with the responsibility of 16 districts of Purvanchal in Uttar Pradesh. They will camp in the states still the Assembly elections are held.
As for Uttar Pradesh, 22 committees formed for different organisational and electoral tasks have been put under the supervision of the Super 100. The committees include the membership campaign committee, booth management committee, voter list committee, program department committee among others. Each committee is headed by a chairman and has three to four members and workers.
Also Read:Challenges before BJP's UP election in-charge Dharmendra Pradhan
The committees will be submitting regular reports to the election in charges and Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan and will also make plans on the election programmes of all the senior leaders, including the Prime Minister, Home Minister and National President.
A general secretary of the party said that the tagline of the 'Divya Kashi, Bhavya Kashi' programme being held before the elections has also been prepared by this committee and the Prime Minister is dedicating the Kashi Corridor to the country on December 13.
Several other programmes, including a convention of Chief Ministers of BJP-ruled states, have also been organised in Varanasi on November 14, a convention in Kashi where all the mayors of the country will also participate on December 16 is going to be convened by the BJP.