New Delhi:After the party won four out of five states in the recent assembly polls, the BJP has started preparations for the Karnataka assembly polls scheduled mid next year. The party is working on 'Mission 150+' for the assembly polls in 2023. Recently, Union Home Minister Amit Shah visited the southern state to take stock of the preparations and asked the party cadre to hit the ground running to achieve 'Mission 150+'.
It is learnt that Shah has given specific work to be completed and said that more will be assigned in the future. "Elections will be held next year. Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji's ‘naam' and ‘kaam' (name and work) is everywhere in the country and the state government is also doing good work. We will definitely achieve our 'Mission150+'. Amit (Shah) bhai ji has given certain directions to the state unit on how we should work on the ground."
"The state unit executes the directions on the ground. We will contest the Karnataka election on Prime Minister Modi's name and work and the work of the BJP government in the state. We will again come to power for sure," C T Ravi, BJP national general secretary and member Karnataka assembly, told media. After witnessing how the 'labharthi' (beneficiaries) of the government schemes voted, which was apparently one of the major factors for the return of the Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh, the Karnataka BJP is also planning to reach out to them.
"Around 60 percent of Karnataka's population is a beneficiary of one or the other schemes of the central or state governments. We have started working on converting this huge chunk of population into our voters. BJP workers and leaders are working to win the support of the ‘labharthi' in next year's election," Ravi said. The saffron party has already started working on social engineering and identifying strong local leaders.