New Delhi: BJP on Thursday released its first list of 160 candidates for the two-phase elections to the 182-member Gujarat Assembly, fielding Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel from his constituency Ghatlodia and dropping a large number of sitting MLAs. Names of Hardik Patel, the face of Patidar agitation in the 2017 assembly polls who later quit the Congress to join the BJP, and Rivaba Jadeja, wife of cricketer Ravindra Jadeja, figure on the list.
While Hardik Patel will contest from Viramgam, Rivaba Jadeja has been fielded from Jamnagar North. Releasing the list, Union minister Bhupendra Yadav said the BJP has changed as many as 38 sitting members, claiming that most replacements have been made with the consent of the incumbents.
The party named its candidates for 84 of the 89 seats which will go to the polls in the first phase on December 1 and 76 of 93 candidates going to the polls in the second phase on December 5. Union ministers Yadav and Mansukh Mandaviya were joined by Gujarat BJP president C R Patil at a press conference here as Yadav named the candidates selected by the party's Central Election Committee at its meeting on Wednesday.