New Delhi:The ruling BJP received Rs 614.53 crore as contributions, more than six times the funds garnered by the opposition Congress during the fiscal year 2021-22. Congress received funds to the tune of Rs 95.46 crore, according to Election Commission data. The Trinamool Congress, which is in power in West Bengal, received Rs 43 lakh as contributions during the period while the CPI-M, which is in government in Kerala, received funds of Rs 10.05 crore.
The West Bengal assembly polls were held in March-April, 2021. In Kerala too, assembly elections were conducted in April 2021. The four national parties had recently filed their latest contributions reports to the Election Commission which made the documents public on Tuesday. The Representation of the People Act stipulates that parties submit an annual report of contributions of over Rs 20,000 received from individual donors and entities.