Jammu: Gaurav Chopra, the Congress councilor in the Jammu Municipal Corporation on Tuesday said they will oppose the BJP's resolution to ban loudspeakers at religious places of worship and public places. The BJP has passed a resolution in the JMC seeking a ban on the loudspeakers at religious places of worship and public places. Chopra, in an exclusive conversation with ETV Bharat, said that the BJP was trying to create a communal divide among the different communities traditionally living in harmony in the erstwhile state.
"The BJP trying to damage the secular fabric of J&K created by the Maharajas. The unity in diversity in danger. BJP has no issue to fight on ground, so they want to play communal politics," Chopra said. He said the move was also aimed to distract the people's attention from the real issues especially after the abrogation of Article 370. "People have only been suffering after the abrogation of Article 370 while the BJP failed to fulfill its promise. Now they want to disrupt peace here," he said.