New Delhi:After Telangana, the BJP has now planned to strengthen its foothold in Bihar and has already started working on it. In Bihar, the party will launch 'Mission 243,' a program aimed at making popular leaders from the party interact with the locals and highlight the developmental works carried out by the BJP in the state. The program would be carried out across all the constituencies in the state, even those from where the BJP has traditionally not been a strong contender.
There is an ongoing discussion within the ranks of Bihar BJP that leaders within the party are shying away from the public and the influence of leaders of other parties is becoming more visible. To correct this, the BJP has now planned this program under which party leaders need to stay with the public for a stretch of 48 hours on July 28 and 29.
Leaders from the BJP along with the members and presidents of different party fronts will visit all the assembly constituencies of Bihar for two consecutive days and have a dialogue with the people and local leaders there.
According to sources within the party, the BJP has first conducted an internal survey and tried to allot leaders from specific communities to the constituency in which that community is dominant. For instance, OBC leaders have been chosen for OBC-dominated areas, Scheduled Caste leaders for Scheduled Caste-Tribe-dominated areas, and the party's Minority Morcha leaders for minority-dominated areas. The BJP has included the Mahila and Yuva Morcha leaders under this program as well.