New Delhi: BJP MP Tapir Gao on Thursday requested the Centre to initiate steps through concerned agencies for the release of Tapor Pullom who was "abducted by the Chinese People's Liberation Army in September 2015" from the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Monigong area in Shi-Yomi district of Arunachal Pradesh.
Raising the issue in Lok Sabha, he said in September 2015, Tapor Pullom and his associate had gone for harvest collection and hunting. "But while hunting near a pass, the Chinese PLA took Tapor Pullom with them." He said the family has been running from "pillar to post" seeking help. "I have full faith in our government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modiji to bring him back just like the six abductees who have returned home in the last two years," the MP said.