New Delhi: In the ongoing verbal attack against each other, BJP's national media head and Rajya Sabha MP Anil Baluni once again came up with a fresh allegation against Harish Rawat, the Congress' National General Secretary and former chief minister of Uttarakhand Harish Rawat.
In a tweet earlier in the week, Rawat highlighted the double standards of BJP leaders in the treatment of Pakistani leaders.
Rawat's tweet read: "...If Modi Ji hugs Nawaz Sharif and goes to his house and eats biryani, then it is part of work for the country! If a person (Navjot Singh Sidhu) visits his religious pilgrimage site Kartarpur Sahib and hugs his Punjabi brother, the General of the Pakistan Army, for opening the way, it is treason. What kind of double standards is this coming from BJP?".
In a tit-for-tat reply, Baluni reminded Rawat that he was referring to "Pakistani Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa, whose hands are stained with the blood of Indians and brave soldiers of Uttarakhand, as brother".
The Congress secretary has been defending former cricketer and Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu's courtesy visit to Pakistan to attend cricketer turned Prime Minister Imran Khan's swearing in ceremony in 2018.
Condemning the statement Rawat issued in support of Sidhu, Bulani said the remark is unfortunate.