New Delhi: The Election Commission has found Telangana Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) leader T Raja Singh guilty of violating the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) and has issued a show-cause notice on his provocative statement. The commission has said that T Raja Singh's statement in which he threatened the voters in Uttar Pradesh was a violation of MCC. The notice said that if T Raja Singh fails to give a satisfactory reply to the Commission, the election body will take action against him in the model code violation case as per the established norms and rules.
Earlier, on February 15, MLA Singh from Hyderabad's Goshamahal said: "Yogiji has brought thousands of JCBs and bulldozers into UP. After the polling, we will list out the voters who do not cast their votes to BJP. You might have already guessed what the bulldozers and JCBs are for. If you want to live in UP, you should vote for BJP or leave the state."