Mumbai:With the heavy political drama in Maharashtra still unfolding, Shiv Sena spokesperson Sanjay Raut on Friday alleged that BJP Union Minister Narayan Rane is threatening NCP Chief Sharad Pawar. Raut took to Twitter to raise his concerns over the matter and clarified that 'such language against Shard Pawar would not be tolerated.'
"A central union minister from the BJP has issued a threat claiming if Pawar tries to save the Mahavikas Aghadi government, they will not let him reach home and block him on the way. Is this the stance BJP is going to take now? Whether or not our govt survives, we will not tolerate such language against Sharad Pawar," Raut's tweet in Marathi, with PMO India tagged in it, reads. He reiterated his questions while talking to a group of reporters and further said that the party is currently in the process of taking action for the disqualification of 12 rebel MLAs.
Also read:We've backing of a 'national party': Eknath Shinde assures rebel MLAs
Further adding that 'such waves come and go in the Shiv Sena', he said that the Eknath Shinde faction that's challenging the Shiv Sena must realise his party workers are yet to get down on the battlefield. "Such battles are fought either through law or on the battlefield. If the situation demands, our workers would bravely join the battle," Raut metaphorically said. In another one of the recent development, Raut reached the YB Chavan Centre in Mumbai today, reportedly to meet NCP supremo Sharad Pawar.
Earlier on Thursday, BJP leader Narayan Rane in his tweet implied that Sharad Pawar himself has been threatening many people in the recent past. "Hon'ble Sharad Pawar Saheb is threatening several people, challenging them to just come to the hall. They will come and vote as they please. It'll become difficult (for Pawar) to reach home if even one of them is harmed," said the minister in his tweet in Marathi.
Raut had posted a cryptic tweet in favour of negotiations, saying the 'doors of the house' would always remain open. "Discussions can lead the way. There can be a discussion. The doors of the house are open. Why do you wander in the forest? Let's decide with self-respect rather than slavery! Jai Maharashtra!" read the rough translation of Raut's tweet in Marathi. Raut had also asked the MLAs not to communicate from Guwahati. "They should come back to Mumbai and discuss all this with CM. We are ready to consider exiting out of MVA if this is the will of all MLAs, but for that, they have to come here and discuss it with the Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray," he had earlier said.