Madurai: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Madurai district president P Saravanan on Saturday announced his resignation from the party. He met State Finance Minister Palanivel Thiagarajan at his residence here on Saturday night and apologised for the action of a BJP worker who hurled a slipper at the Minister's car at Madurai airport. Addressing media persons outside the Minister's residence after the meeting, Saravanan said, "Some untoward incidents took place at Madurai Airport. The incident at the airport affected me deeply. I took some of the sharp words of the minister as a personal attack. I quit Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) a year ago and joined BJP but now I don't like BJP."
BJP Madurai district president Saravanan announces his resignation from party
Madurai district president P Saravanan on Saturday said that the BJP was working against the minority people. He apologised for the action of a BJP worker who hurled a slipper at the car of a Minister at Madurai airport.
He further claimed that the BJP was working against the minority people. "With that in mind, I travelled in the BJP. The attack on the Minister's car made me feel uneasy. So I met the Finance Minister at midnight today. I met the finance Minister and apologized for the incident. It is sad that the BJP workers behaved out of control in Madura airport. The finance minister did not take it seriously when BJP men threw slippers at his car. It is a relief to meet him and apologize," he said. He said that peace of mind is more important to me than a BJP post.
"Definitely I will not continue in BJP. The hatred and religious politics don't suit me. I am going to send my resignation letter to BJP in the morning," said Saravanan. When asked about re- joining DMK, he said,"I have not taken any decision about joining DMK, but there is nothing wrong with joining DMK." Saravanan quit the DMK and joined the BJP in 2021. (ANI)