Patna : While the youth of Bihar are appreciating the announcement of Nitish Kumar to give 20 lakh jobs, the BJP leaders are forecasting that the CM will soon take U-tern from his job promise. Union minister Giriraj Singh, while sharing an old video statement of Nitish Kumar on his official twitter handle, said: "Nitish Kumar, in the video statement during 2020 assembly elections said that how 10 lakh jobs would be given and how they managed to give salary to them."
It is not possible to give 10 lakh jobs. Now, he claims to give 20 lakh jobs. Nitish Kumar is trapped in his present and previous statements. Nitish Kumar announced to give 20 lakh jobs but he will soon take U-turn from his statement. Nitish Kumar, while addressing the gathering at Gandhi Maidan Patna on Independence day, announced to give 20 lakh jobs for the youth of Bihar.