Mumbai: Maharashtra BJP leader Kirit Somaiya on Wednesday met Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari and submitted a representation listing his demands, including action against Mumbai police commissioner Sanjay Pandey over an alleged fake FIR filed in his name. Somaiya, a former Lok Sabha MP from Mumbai, has alleged a bogus FIR was filed at the Bandra police station in his name at the behest of Pandey last week, days after his car was vandalised when he was leaving the Khar police station after meeting the arrested independent MP Navneet Rana and her MLA-husband Ravi Rana.
Speaking to reporters outside the Raj Bhavan after meeting the Governor, he said, "Pandey filed a fake complaint in my name and I had not signed that FIR. Despite my several requests, the Khar police did not register my FIR on the instructions of Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray." "The FIR is fake and I have not signed on it. I demanded action against those who filed the bogus FIR," Somaiya said.
Also read:Mumbai police filed fake FIR in my name: Kirit Somaiya