Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh): A large number of people thronged the Ramlila show held in Ayodhya on Wednesday. BJP leader and Bhojpuri actor Manoj Tiwari who played the role of Lord Parashuram received huge applause from the audience. Speaking on the sidelines of Ramlila, Manoj Tiwari justified the action taken against PFI.
Manoj Tiwari dons Parashuram role, draws applause in Ayodhya
BJP leader and Bhojpuri actor Manoj Tiwari was in Ayodhya to perform at a Ramlila show. He played the role of Lord Parashuram. Speaking on the sidelines of Ramlila, Manoj Tiwari justified the action taken against PFI.
About attending the Ramlila show at Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh, Manoj Tiwari said, "I came here to take part in the Ramlila show for providing encouragement to our fellow stars. I have been coming to Ayodhya for the past two years to participate in the Ramlila show."
He also informed reporters that "Ban on PFI was justified and it was the need of the hour. The organization was the root cause of spreading riots and terror-related activities in the country. The organization fomenting trouble in the country will not be spared any longer."