Munger (Bihar): A BJP leader in Bihar allegedly shot dead his wife and then killed himself on Thursday. The deceased have been identified as Arun Yadav, 50, vice president of BJP OBC Morcha, and his wife Preeti, 45. The incident took place at Lal Darwaza area of Kotwari police station in the Munger district.
Bihar: BJP leader kills wife, shoots self dead
The deceased have been identified as Arun Yadav, 50, vice president of BJP OBC Morcha, and his wife Preeti, 45. The incident took place Lal Darwaza area of Kotwari police station in the Munger district.
Bihar: BJP leader kills wife, shoots self dead
After getting the information, police reached the spot and took possession of the bodies and sent them to Munger Sadar Hospital for post-mortem. The incident, according to police officials, took place around 5.30 pm after a dispute between the two over some domestic issues. Two country-made pistols were recovered from the house. Both the deceased had bullet injuries on their head. Police are further investigating the case.