Dehradun: Uttarakhand BJP Minister Shadab Shams on Saturday said that the increasing number of pilgrim deaths in the Chardham Yatra is because of the "Covid complications that the pilgrims are hiding from the authorities as they want to attain 'moksha' by being a part of the yatra." As the statement went viral on social media and flared controversies, the minister clarified on Sunday that he was 'only quoting the officials' when he made the statement.
In the video that surfaced on social media, the minister can be heard saying that the pilgrims with Covid history are duping the authorities by hiding their Covid history. "People with Covid history, heart problems, BP, breathing problems go for the yatra despite knowing the oxygen levels are low there. They give excuses, they believe it's okay to even die in this way. But the state government is still very vigilant with all facilities," Shams says in the video.
Giving a clarification on this statement, the leader on Sunday said, "The video clip that went viral shows only half-truth, which is more harmful than a lie. When asked by news portals about rising pilgrim deaths on way to the shrines, I quoted officials who had said that mostly the pilgrims with Covid history were dying as they were hiding their complications from the authorities," he said.
"My intention was only to convey to pilgrims that they should not hide complications like breathlessness, high blood pressure, and blood sugar from the authorities just because they are keen to visit the temples. All I wanted to say was that people should strictly follow the chief minister's advisory and travel only if they are fit," the BJP minister added. "However, if my statement has hurt sentiments, I extend my sincerest apologies," Shams said.