Kolkata (West Bengal):West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday said that Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has adopted a formula of inducting Trinamool Congress (TMC) 'traitors' to win the upcoming Assembly polls. Addressing a public meeting at Gitanjali Stadium here, Banerjee said, "BJP is using a formula to win Bengal elections by taking some traitors from TMC. Those who are going to BJP should remember that they (BJP) are rioters."
"Those who are going there, are doing it to keep their property and themselves safe as they have made a lot of money," she added. The Chief Minister said that TMC-led state government work for the people and voters must keep BJP out of the state as the latter will disrupt the peace and harmony. "The alternative of TMC is only TMC. They (BJP) wants riots, we (TMC) want peace. Beware of BJP. So the slogan is we do not want BJP, we do not want riots, we do not want corruption and we do not want the country to be broken," said Banerjee.
She further accused the BJP-led Central Government of not providing help to migrant labours during the lockdown.