Agartala:Tripura Pradesh Congress Committee President Pijush Biswas on Thursday said that the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was heading in the same path of violent politics, which was once adopted by former ruling party Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M).
Addressing a press conference at the party’s state headquarters here in Agartala, Biswas said, “the BJP has bagged power in Tripura just because people of the state were fed up with the CPI-M’s misrule. Added to this, BJP’s tall empty promises succeeded to lure voters to the ballots. But, within just three and half years, people realised their mistake.”
The CPI-M in Tripura mastered the art of political violence. “Countless people, public representatives and leaders had been killed just for subscribing to an ideology that does not suit the Left masters. The whole script of CPI-M’s crimes cannot be completed in one night. But, what left us shattered is that the BJP is just carrying forward their culture”, said Biswas, reacting to the reports of violent clashes between CPI-M and the BJP from several parts of the state.